love tuna 09
Hugo Zapata
sevilla - Spain
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About the work

Creación digital uniendo técnicas tradicionales (dibujo y fotografía digital) unido a las nuevas tecnologías (Inteligencia Artificial y retoque digital).

Toda una apuesta por el arte del futuro.

Digital creation combining traditional techniques (drawing and digital photography) together with new technologies (Artificial Intelligence and digital retouching).

A real commitment to the art of the future.

Registered at Safe Creative

Code: 2310145587525
Date: Oct 14 2023 17:41 UTC
Author: Hugo Zapata
License: All rights reserved

About the creator

Hugo Zapata
Hugo Zapata / Visual arts Born in Barcelona, Spain I learned everything from my father…. always between Seville and Barcelona.School of Arts and Crafts (Developing Stone & Wood Carving)Photography Studies (school GISART Barcelona).Jury Member-ADG-FAD (Asociació of directors and dissenyadors Grafics d’art).Member Art Directors Europe.Member ICOGRADA International.Companies he has worked and positions of employment:1987 ARGE Advertising (SVQ) “a studio – creative“1989 CID.BMZ! (SVQ) “Responsible Study Design – creative“1991 ESTUDI ANDREU (BCN) “responsible design studio – creative Accounts: Matutano, Mattel, …1993 PUBLICIS SPAIN “Creative Director“1997 BWP Global Communication “creative director & designer“2005 “Creative Director, designer and Photographer“Currently working with various clients & agencies in Spain, Italy, France, Russia and EE.UU.More than 29 years of experience and design work and photography in more than 70 countries.Major Accounts in which it has worked: Foods of Spain Foods from Andalusia, Turism Andalusia, Matutano, Coca-Cola Spain, Aceites del Sur, Coosur, Persan, Monova Spain, RUUD (USA), Freixenet, Mattel, Seville Tourism Board, Sevilla City Hall, City of Valencia, Provincial Valencia, Tourism Barcelona, Bodegas Alvear, Bodegas Gonzalez Byass Sherry, Chinchilla Wines, Delgado Zuleta Wines, Nordwik Ice Creams, Panrico Spain, Donuts Spain, Mantecado de Estepa, La Rondeña, Molisana Italy, Garofalo Italy, Ponti Italy, Catunambú Coffee, Moloe Delo Moscow – Russia,… Best Packaging Design Awards 2013 – Marc Praquin Agency (Paris – France)• Best World Packaging Design Awards 2013 -Armonia (Rome – Italy)• Best Packaging Design Awards 2014 – Monocultivar Olive Oil (Milano – Italy)• Best World Packaging Design Awards 2014 -Armonia (Rome – Italy)

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