Secrets in the Clouds
Arnau Seriola Sirera
Barcelona - Spain
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About the work

"Secrets in the Clouds" is more than just a simple drawing; it is a gateway to a realm of fantasy and discovery. With its intriguing combination of natural and supernatural elements.

This elf, with its enigmatic features and ethereal figure, carries the aura of the unknown and the enchanted."

Registered at Safe Creative

Code: 2405208038356
Date: May 20 2024 09:07 UTC
Author: blurredblame
License: All rights reserved

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About the creator

“Artista digital minimalista y detallista. Expreso un mundo onírico que nace al dejar volar mi imaginación y expreso lo que nace sin pensar. Obras extremadamente personales y subjetivas.”

Autodidacta y crudamente auténtico, procuro transmitir emociones.

Mis obras se definen por ser macabras, minimalistas, marcadas por una clara tendencia al claro-oscuro. Predominando el blanco y negro, creando a su vez una infinita gama de grises y ocasionales puntos de color.

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