The Sky
Stefania Corini
Brescia - Italy
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About the work

These sky quotes encapsulate the grandeur and mystery of the celestial realm.

The heavens have inspired poets, artists, and dreamers throughout history.

The sky, an expansive canvas stretching above us, holds a captivating allure that has captivated hearts and minds for millennia.

Registered at Safe Creative

Code: 2402126903568
Date: Feb 12 2024 12:26 UTC
Author: Ste_abstractart
License: All rights reserved

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About the creator

Stefania Corini
Stefania Corini / Visual arts

“Energy, music and art together!”

With an innate artistic talent Stefania grows up between the Music of ’70 and ’80 and Art. Her evolution varies from classical studies, abstract in all of their forms to the graphic designer.

When she meets Claudia Ottone – one of the most recognized artists and gallery owners, her nature is revealed in all its forms: she combined energetic and artistic skills to create works of art that are also healing energetic portals!

She’s already being selected as one of 36 artist that the artist Antonio Battaglia identifies and who’ll be included in Pitturiamo's Top Selection to enter the circuit of International artist. Current being part of the virtual exhibitions in Rome, Vienna and Milan,waiting for Paris and New York

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