Woman chillen in Malasaña, Madrid
Kike Garcia
Madrid - Spain

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About the work

I bumped into a woman chillen in Malasaña, Madrid. We don't know what she's into, but feels cozy. It goes well with hypnotic Satie's Gymnopedia. You can pass by the location at the coordinates 40.423763,-3.701942. The lights corresponds to February 12, at 1:45pm

Registered at Safe Creative

Code: 2312236463367
Date: Dec 23 2023 07:01 UTC
Author: Enrique Garcia-Franco
License: All rights reserved

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About the creator

“Just a nerdy engineer mind-ing my emotions ”

As an engineer, I value very much diving into the human soul, away from rigid goals. It's important to work out the numbers down to 1e-10 precision, but also embracing the vulnerability depicted in Art.

I guess there's virtue in the middle ❤️ 🧠

Drawing by Jon Petter Vorren

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