Pijama animal
Jordi Tort rigat
Barcelona - Spain
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About the work

El pijama, esa prenda nocturna que nos acompaña en nuestro descanso , he practicado el antropomorfismo con algunos animales a ver cómo les quedaría dicha prenda, me parece que bastante bien!

Buenas noches!

The pyjamas, that night garment that accompanies us in our rest, I have practised anthropomorphism with some animals to see how this garment would look on them, it seems to me that it looks pretty good!

Good night!

Registered at Safe Creative

Code: 2311206166161
Date: Nov 20 2023 14:59 UTC
Author: Kausesion
License: All rights reserved

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About the creator

Jordi Tort rigat
Jordi Tort rigat / Visual arts


-Soy autodidacta, realizo artes visuales con la fotografía , el video, las redes sociales, y cualquier contenedor de imágenes visuales, también la calle y sus gentes forman parte de mi trabajo, todo hecho con originalidad y humor. "que no falte"

-I am self-taught, I make visual arts with photography, video, and any container ofo images, the street and its people are also part of my work, done with a touch of originality and humos.

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