carlos quiñones
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Sobre la obra

Production name: Chains.

Production type: Movies.

genre production: Love.

Logline project:

Three impossible untimely loves meet again thanks to an angel incarnated as a beggar.

There is something else I would like to share about my production:

Melg Tulli, attached to his faith, sacrifices the love of his life to serve God, then they are separated by the world war and then when the love of his life becomes engaged to a millionaire man.

Melg will cross the world several times until he reaches the heart of his beloved, link by link this story will chain us until the end.


Melg Tulli: fervent religious, brave, hopeless lover, horseman.

Sofia Melody Garden: beautiful, talented pianist, horsewoman.

Uncle Ferri: husband of Ludmila.

Ludmila: wife of Tio Ferri.

Colonel Fabril: Sofia's father.

Sofia: Sofia's mother.

Storm Mare horse (black).

White Cloud Horse (white).

Chief Nun.

Sergeant Mike Leonard Lombardi: in love with Mother Superior.

Mr. Mac Tinley: Sara Faith’s husband.

Mrs. Sara Faith: Mac Tinley’s wife.

Jared Igor: angel, beggar, servant of the Melodys, helper on the Tulli farm, priest, soldier.

Registrado en Safe Creative

Código: 2402297187118
Fecha: 29-feb-2024 19:32 UTC
Autor: Pulgie
Licencia: Todos los derechos reservados

Más información

Sobre el creador

carlos quiñones
carlos quiñones / Literatura

“La suma de todas las irrealidades es la maxima de la creatividad”

Desde el año 2011 me entregue de lleno a mi pasion de escribir vendiendo mi carro, para poder tener el tiempo y dinero necesario para escribir, desde entonces han pasado 13 años y aun continuo escribiendo. Hoy expongo mis guiones para series episodicas y para peliculas de dieferentes generos.

Hoy en dia me encuentro en Estados Unidos, la meca del cine mundial, espero les agrade mis trabajos.

Since 2011 I gave myself fully to my passion of writing by selling my car, to be able to have the time and money necessary to write, since then 13 years have passed and I still continue writing. Today I present my scripts for episodic series and for films of different genres.

Today I am in the United States, the mecca of world cinema, I hope you like my work.

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