7 Fowers movie script

About the work

Production name: 7 Flowers
Production type:
What genre is your production?
Logline project:
Alex Von Humboldt, a frustrated bank clerk, will become the best explorer in the world to aspire to be the husband of the only love of his life.
There is something else I would like to share about my production:
This incredible story of adventure, love, and humor takes us around the world in search of the most valuable precious stones, to be able to marry one of the beautiful Suthersmiths sisters.
Frederick Suthersmith; father, gambling addict, ambitious.
Suthersmith Felona; mother, gambler, suffered, dominated.
Sarah: ambitious
Victoria: fiery,
Isabella: angry,
Grace: Fat, gluttonous.
Naomi: lazy,
Dora: envious.
Mary: conceited, proud,
Fred Suthersmith: shy, family servant.
Alex Von Humboldt: main actor, full of phobias, from shy office worker to incredible explorer, in love with Mary.
Pancho Panchito Cochinito: glutton, street fighter, in love with Grace, best friend of Alex Von Humboldt.
Morgan Earp: thief by profession.
Virgil Earp: thief by profession.
Max: bank manager, ambitious, envious.
Uncle Von Humboldt 60: eyepatch, glasses, huge pipe in his mouth, explorer's dress.
Bulldog: strong, feisty, stutterer, glutton, servant of Max, in love with Grace.
Fla: fool, twin, thief.
Fle: fool, twin, thief.
Fli: fool, twin, thief.
Doc Holliday: Enlightened, thief, accomplice with Morgan and Virgil Earp.


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Declaration Date: Feb 28, 2024, 7:27 PM

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Work information

Title 7 Fowers movie script
Production name: 7 Flowers
Production type:
What genre is your production?
Logline project:
Alex Von Humboldt, a frustrated bank clerk, will become the best explorer in the world to aspire to be the husband of the only love of his life.
There is something else I would like to share about my production:
This incredible story of adventure, love, and humor takes us around the world in search of the most valuable precious stones, to be able to marry one of the beautiful Suthersmiths sisters.
Frederick Suthersmith; father, gambling addict, ambitious.
Suthersmith Felona; mother, gambler, suffered, dominated.
Sarah: ambitious
Victoria: fiery,
Isabella: angry,
Grace: Fat, gluttonous.
Naomi: lazy,
Dora: envious.
Mary: conceited, proud,
Fred Suthersmith: shy, family servant.
Alex Von Humboldt: main actor, full of phobias, from shy office worker to incredible explorer, in love with Mary.
Pancho Panchito Cochinito: glutton, street fighter, in love with Grace, best friend of Alex Von Humboldt.
Morgan Earp: thief by profession.
Virgil Earp: thief by profession.
Max: bank manager, ambitious, envious.
Uncle Von Humboldt 60: eyepatch, glasses, huge pipe in his mouth, explorer's dress.
Bulldog: strong, feisty, stutterer, glutton, servant of Max, in love with Grace.
Fla: fool, twin, thief.
Fle: fool, twin, thief.
Fli: fool, twin, thief.
Doc Holliday: Enlightened, thief, accomplice with Morgan and Virgil Earp.
Work type Script
Tags drama, adventure.


Registry info in Safe Creative

Identifier 2402287158777
Entry date Feb 28, 2024, 7:27 PM UTC
License All rights reserved


Copyright registered declarations

Author. Holder Pulgie. Date Feb 28, 2024.

Information available at https://www.safecreative.org/work/2402287158777-7-fowers-movie-script
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