Abraham's Faith Was Based on the Ability of God, Not His Own Ability

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In Romans 4, we see that Abraham had nothing but inability. He gave glory to God by looking to GOD's ability. This is the epicenter of faith.

Education, Informative
faith of abraham
completeness in christ
christ our life
christ is all

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Mark VanOuse
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Title Abraham's Faith Was Based on the Ability of God, Not His Own Ability
In Romans 4, we see that Abraham had nothing but inability. He gave glory to God by looking to GOD's ability. This is the epicenter of faith.
Work type Education, Informative
Tags faith of abraham, completeness in christ, faith, christ our life, christ is all


Registry info in Safe Creative

Identifier 1909161940073
Entry date Sep 16, 2019, 5:48 PM UTC
License Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives 3.0


Copyright registered declarations

Author. Holder Mark VanOuse. Date Sep 16, 2019.

Information available at https://www.safecreative.org/work/1909161940073-abrahams-faith-was-based-on-the-ability-of-god-not-his-own-ability
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