PANDORA 2033: Ultimatum to Humanity
Barcelona - España
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In 2033, the Earth is on the brink of collapse under the weight of climate change. Relentless droughts, devastating floods, super hurricanes, and unprecedented storms have plunged the world into environmental chaos. In this bleak setting, Pandora 2033: Ultimatum to Humanity is a captivating short story of science fiction and suspense that promises to engage readers from the first to the last page. It includes COLOR ILLUSTRATIONS that enhance the reading experience.

Liam finds himself at a crossroads of fate when he receives an unexpected call from his friend Alexander. From a dark corner of Boston, a disturbing possibility emerges: the chance to alter the course of humanity's history. But does this opportunity represent a true salvation for life on our planet, or is it merely the delusion of a disturbed mind? With the future of life on Earth hanging by a thread, Liam delves into a mystery that leads him to question reality, facing a potential ultimatum for humanity.

Pandora 2033 is an invitation to dive into an intriguing tale that blurs the lines between fact and fiction, questioning humanity's power to determine its destiny on a planet at the edge. Offering a literary experience that challenges the imagination and stimulates profound reflection on the future of our world. Prepare to discover a shocking and transgressive story that will make you ponder the fate of humanity and life on the planet we inhabit.


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Código: 2403207392387
Fecha: 20-mar-2024 23:03 UTC
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Sobre el creador

J. F. RHODEHOUSE / Literatura

“Me gusta fusionar la fantasía con lo cotidiano, experimentar con la ciencia ficción, jugar con los límites entre realidad y la imaginación”

J. F. Rhodehouse es un escritor apasionado por la ciencia ficción, la fantasía contemporánea y de misterio con tintes fantásticos. Nacido en 1973 en Barcelona, su fascinación por las obras literarias de estos géneros le ha acompañado desde su juventud.

Graduado en una carrera científica por la Universidad de Barcelona a finales de los años 90, Rhodehouse comenzó su carrera profesional como traductor de textos técnicos del inglés al español y catalán, además de colaborar con artículos divulgativos. Su formación científica y su dominio de varios idiomas enriquecen su narrativa con un nivel de detalle y precisión únicos.

Su ópera prima, "Bajo la superficie de las apariencias: Cuando el mal nos acecha", es una noveleta de fantasía urbana contemporánea que ha capturado la atención de los lectores.

"Pandora 2033: Ultimátum a la Humanidad", su última obra, es un impactante relato corto de ciencia ficción que aborda la urgente problemática de la crisis climática actual, buscando provocar una profunda reflexión en sus lectores.

Además, Rhodehouse ha autopublicado una nueva y mejorada traducción al español y catalán del relato de H.P. Lovecraft, "El color del espacio exterior", esta edición cuenta con ilustraciones inéditas realizadas por el propio autor, añadiendo un valor especial a estas nuevas ediciones.

Actualmente, J. F. Rhodehouse continúa trabajando en nuevas obras, con la misión de ofrecer a sus lectores experiencias frescas y emocionantes en sus géneros favoritos. Su dedicación y talento prometen seguir sorprendiendo y deleitando a los amantes de la literatura fantástica y de ciencia ficción.

---- ENGLISH ----

J. F. Rhodehouse is a writer passionate about science fiction, contemporary fantasy, and mystery with fantastic elements. Born in 1973 in Barcelona, his fascination with the literary works of these genres has accompanied him since his youth.

Graduated with a scientific degree from the University of Barcelona in the late 90s, Rhodehouse began his professional career as a translator of technical texts from English to Spanish and Catalan, as well as collaborating on informative articles. His scientific background and proficiency in multiple languages enrich his narrative with a unique level of detail and precision.

His debut work, "Beneath the Surface of Appearances: When Evil Lurks Among Us," is a contemporary urban fantasy novelette that has captured the attention of readers.

"Pandora 2033: Ultimatum to Humanity," his latest work, is a striking science fiction short story that addresses the urgent issue of the current climate crisis, aiming to provoke deep reflection in its readers.

Additionally, Rhodehouse has self-published a new and improved translation into Spanish and Catalan of H.P. Lovecraft's story, "The Color Out of Space". This edition features original illustrations created by the author himself, adding special value to these new editions.

Currently, J. F. Rhodehouse continues working on new projects with the mission of offering his readers fresh and exciting experiences in his favorite genres. His dedication and talent promise to continue surprising and delighting lovers of fantastic and science fiction literature.

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