hub platform safe creative

Welcome to the New Safe Creative: More Than a Registration, a Comprehensive Platform for Creators

At Safe Creative, we know that ‘works that are not cared for disappear.’ That is why, after more than sixteen years, we have evolved from being the leading global technological registration to becoming a comprehensive platform for creators. We want to accompany you at every step of the creative journey, from inspiration to the exposure and promotion of your work.

Safe Creative not only registers and protects works, but also becomes an essential and continuous support for creators in the digital ecosystem, offering everything from up-to-date information on Intellectual Property to daily tools to manage and protect your copyrights.

New Features and Tools:

1. Intuitive and User-Friendly Design:

We have redesigned our platform to make it more accessible and easier to navigate, allowing you to focus on what really matters: your creativity.

registering images

2. Advanced Security for Your Works:

With new security enhancements, we ensure the protection of your rights from the moment you start creating, making sure your works are safe from plagiarism and potential unauthorized uses.

3. Registration of the Entire Creative Process:

You can not only register your final work, but we also provide tools to document and register each stage of the creative process, starting from one single sketch.

musician creating art

4. Exposure and Sales:

We facilitate the exposure and promotion of both your creator profile and your works. Through our platform we provide tools that help you showcase and sell your work, and secure commissions as a professional.

creators selling platform

5. Updates and News on Copyright:

Stay up to date with the latest developments in legislation and practices regarding copyright through our blog and and soon to be launched TIPS in English. We’ll provide crucial information that will help you understand the current state of copyright and many updates on this topic that we will be announcing.


Looking Together Towards the Future:

This is just the first step. We are committed to continuing to improve and expand our tools and services. We will keep adding features that meet your needs and further enrich your experience at Safe Creative.

Unlock the Full Potential of the Safe Creative Platform:

We invite you to visit and explore the new Safe Creative platform. ¡Register your next work, try our new tools! Become part of a community of creators who value and protect their creations. Check prices and…

With Safe Creative, you secure not only the existence of your works but also their bright future. Explore, create, and protect with us!

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