some colors 2
Mario A.P.
San Sebastian - España
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Sobre la obra

The colors of the rainbow, in their most common form, follow the order of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. This sequence is often remembered with the mnemonic "ROYGBIV." These colors appear when light is broken down into different visible wavelengths as it passes through water droplets in the atmosphere, a process known as refraction. Each color represents a specific wavelength, and the combination of all these colors produces white light. The beauty of a rainbow is a result of this dispersion of light, creating a spectrum of colors that can be seen under the right conditions.

Registrado en Safe Creative

Código: 2403217403974
Fecha: 21-mar-2024 12:33 UTC
Autor: Mario A. Pena
Licencia: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0

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Mario A.P.
Mario A.P. / Visual / Música

“Taking pictures for the Public Domain”

I write and take pictures. Sometimes I even make short videos. I have some knowledge of copyright matters, open licenses and similar matters. Most of my pictures are licensed under CC by-sa. If you need something in particular, let me know: I might have it.

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