Introducing CreaTVplace in the International Film Festival of Sant Sebastian
In the context of the International Film Festival of Sant Sebastian, Safe Creative introduced CreaTVplace, the marketplace for TV formats.

Juancho Redondo, Safe Creative advisor, along with representatives from Google, EGEDA and Telefonica Spain, discussed the need to adapt the solutions offered to the creators and businesses to the digital reality they are living. In this context CreaTVplace commitment is to encourage the direct and secure establishment of contact between TV format creators and producers and televisions around the world thanks to the added assurance of registration of the displayed content in Safe Creative.
CreaTVplace starts off with the aim of remedying many of the difficulties that are not only the own of the creators of TV formats, but also those ones producers and distributors face when they often fail to contact the talent into bringing new ideas to expand their business opportunities and compete globally in the best conditions and with lower uncertainty.