carlos quiñones
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About the work

Production name: Links.

Production type: Movie.

Genre production: Fiction.

Logline Project: While she translates an old diary, Elena realizes that she is connected to the author through time.

Learn more about the film: Elena, a passionate archaeologist, is immersed in the world of ancient history when she discovers a mysterious diary during an excavation at the ruins of an ancient civilization. As she translates the worn pages, she is shocked to realize that she is connected to the diary's author across time. This revelation plunges her into a whirlwind of emotions and unexpected challenges.

However, not everything is fascinating in this discovery. Soon, Elena finds herself facing an enigmatic villain called Lord Tempus, who desperately seeks to control Elena's temporal connection for his own nefarious purposes. Obsessed with changing the course of history in her favor, Lord Tempus represents a constant threat to Elena and her attempts to understand and take advantage of this temporal connection.

During her discoveries and confrontations, Elena finds herself trapped in an impossible romance with a man from the past whom she knows through temporal connections. As her love for him grows, she faces a heartbreaking dilemma: should she risk changing history to be with him or accept her responsibility in preserving the timeline?

The tragic moment comes when Elena, desperate to save her past loved one, takes drastic measures to alter historical events. However, her actions trigger a series of catastrophic consequences that make her question the very possibility of changing the course of time.

In her darkest moment, Elena finds herself sacrificing herself in a risky attempt to right her wrongs. But her bravery and determination do not go unnoticed. The temporal fabric itself responds to her sacrifice, granting him a second chance to correct her mistakes and redeem himself from her.

With the help of her loyal friend and adventure partner, Diego Velázquez, Elena embarks on a quest to make peace with the past and forge a future that is in harmony with it. Together, they weave new threads into the tapestry of time, learning that although the past cannot be easily changed, the present always offers opportunities for redemption and growth.


Elena, an Egyptologist archaeologist who reunites with her past, making the power of reincarnation a reality.

Lord Tempus, a mysterious being who seeks to control Elena's temporal connection to alter historical events in his favor.

Diego Velázquez, Elena's best friend, lover of history, witty, loyal. Diego is a passionate historian who shares Elena's fascination with archeology and connection with the past.

Nefertari Ahmose, was born into a noble family during the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep III, in the 14th century BC. Her family had close ties to royalty and held prominent positions in the Egyptian court.

Khaled, a charismatic and courageous leader, emerges as an authority figure due to his ability to inspire others and lead the fight for freedom. Khaled is Elena's lover.

Registered at Safe Creative

Code: 2403097288500
Date: Mar 9 2024 15:32 UTC
Author: Pulgie
License: All rights reserved

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About the creator

carlos quiñones
carlos quiñones / Literature

“La suma de todas las irrealidades es la maxima de la creatividad”

Desde el año 2011 me entregue de lleno a mi pasion de escribir vendiendo mi carro, para poder tener el tiempo y dinero necesario para escribir, desde entonces han pasado 13 años y aun continuo escribiendo. Hoy expongo mis guiones para series episodicas y para peliculas de dieferentes generos.

Hoy en dia me encuentro en Estados Unidos, la meca del cine mundial, espero les agrade mis trabajos.

Since 2011 I gave myself fully to my passion of writing by selling my car, to be able to have the time and money necessary to write, since then 13 years have passed and I still continue writing. Today I present my scripts for episodic series and for films of different genres.

Today I am in the United States, the mecca of world cinema, I hope you like my work.

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