Lumina - the magical beast that warms the forest
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In a magical forest hidden deep within the mountains, there lived a unique and enchanting creature named Lumina. Lumina was a beautiful white fox with a lush and fluffy coat that glistened like fresh snow. Her most captivating feature was her mesmerizing red eyes, which sparkled with a hint of ancient wisdom. Unlike other foxes, Lumina possessed a rare and extraordinary gift – the power to summon fire. But instead of using this power for destruction or chaos, she chose to use it to bring warmth and comfort to those around her. Whenever the wind blew cold, Lumina would dance gracefully through the forest, her steps leaving behind tiny sparks that ignited the air and transformed it into a cozy warmth. The forest creatures adored Lumina and her gentle nature. Squirrels would gather around her, basking in the radiant heat she emitted. Birds perched on her back, their feathers ruffling in contentment. Even the trees leaned closer, their leaves whispering melodies of gratitude as they bathed in the comforting glow. One day, a young girl named Lily stumbled upon the magical forest. Her cheeks were rosy from the biting cold, and her hands trembled with each gust of wind. As she ventured deeper into the forest, she noticed the soft flicker of warm light. Curiosity led her to Lumina, the white fox with fiery powers. Lumina sensed Lily's presence and approached her cautiously. The girl's eyes widened in wonder as she beheld the magnificent fox with its red eyes. She stretched out her hand, and Lumina nuzzled it gently, emitting a soft purring sound that resembled crackling embers. Lily smiled, feeling an instant connection with the peaceful creature. She sat down, and Lumina curled up beside her, encasing her in a protective circle of warmth. Together, they watched as the wind carried away the troubles of the world, replaced by the soothing crackle of Lumina's fire. From that day on, Lumina and Lily became inseparable. They explored the forest, their bond growing stronger with each adventure. Lumina would guide Lily through treacherous paths, creating fiery pathways to light the way. In return, Lily shared stories of the human world, painting vivid pictures of bustling cities and serene landscapes. Word of the white fox with red eyes and the power to summon fire spread far and wide. People journeyed to the magical forest from distant lands, hoping to catch a glimpse of Lumina's radiant flames and feel the warmth of her presence. And Lumina, with her humble nature, continued to warm the hearts of all who sought solace in her gentle fire. Together, Lumina and Lily brought light and warmth to the world, their unique friendship reminding everyone of the power of kindness and the beauty that exists within each and every creature, no matter how small or extraordinary.

Registrado en Safe Creative

Código: 2306144589066
Fecha: 14-jun-2023 20:45 UTC
Autor: Francesco Yoshi Gobbo
Licencia: Todos los derechos reservados

Más información

Sobre el creador

Francesco Yoshi Gobbo [ FraYoshi ]
Francesco Yoshi Gobbo [ FraYoshi ] / Visual / Música / Literatura

“Seeking inspiration.”

Francesco (Yoshi) Gobbo is an italian guy also know as FraYoshi that loves Computer Science, Technology, the Japanese Language, Star Trek, Stargate, Sci-Fi in general and animations; is a Libre Licenses “advocate”, YouTube/Twitch Streamer, loves Libre Open Source, hates Microsoft, sometime plays some game, sometime codes and generally likes the idea He can continue to study for his whole life but found it out only after finishing the school. Likes Science and obviously, music.

work life

ex-performer in acting, dance and singing, theatrical and not. Today works as a film-maker, mainly in post-production, 3D animations and VFx. As a freelancer works also in web-development and systems-administration.

People He admires

Linus Torvalds | Nikola Tesla | Albert Einstein | Stephen Hawking | Francesco d’Assisi | Elon Musk | Richard Stallman | Edward Snowden

Licenses He prefers

Creative Commons | All Rights reserved but quite some permissions granted included commercial use with or with/o attribution.

Flag Music Genres

Pop | J-Pop | Folk | Japanese Folk | Ambient | Gothic | Cyberpunk | 8-bit | Lo-Fi | EDM | Synthwave | Metal | Punk | Classical | ElectroClassical

Some Favorite Artist

Adrian von Ziegler | Harris Heller | AFI | Complex Numbers | Kevin MacLeod | Avril Lavigne | Hilary Duff | Dark Fantasy Studio | Flux Pavilion | RAVE (italian artist vanished) | J-Ax | Cyberpunkers | Green Day | Evanescence | Paramore | Linking Park | Zero Assoluto | Giovanni Allevi | Eiffel 65 | Blink-182 | Fall Out Boy | T.A.T.U. | Radwimps | Jovanotti | Passenger | Eddie Vedder | Elisa

Say something to the world

Long Life and Prosperity.

PGP Public Key

Francesco Yoshi Gobbo


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