Abstract - Cosmos #1
PNG - 2022
Dolors Pascual
Lleida - España
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Sobre la obra

Abstract digital painting. Collection Cosmos #1

Registrado en Safe Creative

Código: 2303083750793
Fecha: 08-mar-2023 17:44 UTC
Autor: Dolors Pascual
Licencia: Todos los derechos reservados

Sobre el creador

Dolors Pascual (also known as D. Pascual) is an abstract digital painter, which collection of paintings is incredibly vivid, shining and colourful, but also made of refractions and dispersions. Some of her biggest collections, exposed here, are: "Bubbles and Pearls", "Drone and Map", "Lithosphere", "Garden", "Flowers", "Another World", "Urban", "Graffiti", "Cosmos" and "The Beginning of Life". This artist puts special attention to the four elements of nature: fire, water, air, and earth. The seasons of the year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. The nature: sky, water, sun, sea, flowers, gardens, maps and bird sights; its meteorological phenomenons: rainbow, snow, and etcetera. The urban cities, their gardens and walls. Textures such as sand, or with their own collections: "Silk" and "Mother-of-pearl". Of course, some other rare and terrific collections like "Eyes", "Taken", "Cosmos", "Mythology" and the sci-fi "Another World".


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